“What must we do to heal this world?” he asked
“First and foremost, we must heal ourselves” she replied
“And what might that look like?”
She paused considering his question…..
“Perhaps we begin by
Letting no child be unloved,
Leaving no animal neglected,
Laying waste no more to the forests and fields,
to the polar ice caps, and the mountains.
Perhaps we learn to pick up our crosses,
and bear one another’s burdens,
to sing each other’s songs,
and listen to one another’s stories.
Perhaps we practice treading lightly,
careful of the footprints we leave
on each other’s hearts and lives
mindful of the dictum:
First do no harm.
Perhaps we prayerfully approach the closed
chamber of the heart, gently turning the knob
and entering in where we meet with Our Beloved
and permit the Sacred Mother to refine us with fire.
Perhaps it all in fact, begins with you and me,
this peace on earth.”
“Let it be, let it be. Let it be…..” he replied.