Sometimes the heavens open up and rain down blessing
upon the undeserving and the unsuspecting.
We dance with joy at the gift of your grace,
splashing about in puddles of overflowing abundance.
Other times we wait in silent expectation-
palm pressed to cheek,
staring out into the grainy white winter stillness-
wondering if we can even find the strength
to raise our eyes heavenward and voice the barrenness of our hearts.
Oh God of blessing and God of want,
In plenty or in need, we turn our hearts toward you
as a sunflower tracks the sun across the mid-day sky.
Curious God, we know and trust that somehow, in some way,
You are providing all that is necessary in every season of this embodied life.
You leave no stone unturned
in the unfolding of your plans
for our holy transformation.